Beyond Mission Save the Sea

You’ve conquered Mission Save the Sea, young explorers! Yet, your adventure doesn’t end here

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Ride the Wave of Knowledge!

Now that you’re brimming with wisdom and ready to champion for our amazing sea creatures, your next adventure awaits. Dive into the following tasks to continue making a splash as a true Sea Guardian!

Spread your knowledge!

Knowledge is power, the more people are aware the more likely they will make change themselves. Spread some of your learnings with at least 3 family and friends.

Plan a beach clean up

You've learned all about the harmful impact of plastic waste on our ecosystem and marine life. Now, it's time to take action and prevent more plastic from entering the sea. Gather your friends and plan a beach clean-up. Even just half an hour of cleaning waste can make a BIG difference.


Keep learning

There are tons of cool things to discover and fun events to join. Don't forget to check out the Enalia Physis website for their awesome 'Blue Conference’.

Be an eco-hero!

Try walking, biking, or taking the bus instead of always using a car. And remember to switch off lights and electronics when you're not using them. By doing this, you're helping to shrink your carbon footprint and protect the ocean from climate change.

Adopt an endangered marine animal

Why not consider adopting an endangered marine animal for your birthday or Christmas? You can ask for a special present, like adopting a Green Turtle from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)!